Richmond County
3km Return


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Sand Dollar Hunting on Pt Michaud

Even though there many beaches on Cape Breton, few have the perfect habitat needed for sand dollars. Point Michaud Beach, located on the South East coast of Cape Breton, is designated a provincial park with many great opportunities such as summer surf programs, an annual sand castle building competition, and supervised swimming – the best of all though is hunting for sand dollars.

Sand dollars are small crustaceans belonging to the starfish or sea urchin family. They are found at the waters edge on top of or slightly buried in the sand. With a little training to your eyes and some patience, you can expect to find at least a few sand dollars during your walk along Point Michaud Beach.

MapFrom the Locals
Adventure: 45.5896,-60.6841
From the Locals
Take the #4 Highway out of Sydney toward St. Peters. A little ways before the St. Peters Canal you will see a Department of Highways building, turn left here (the sign should indicate Point Michaud). Just stay on this road until you see the Point Michaud signs and surfers.
Photos by: Steven Rolls (

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