Inverness County
3.5km Return
Mountain, River, Woodland

Meat Cove Mountain

Meat cove is one of the many small communities which litter Cape Breton. Famed as Cape Breton’s most Northern community, Meat Cove consisting of about 12 families. This community bands together as one to make sure the youth do not get left behind and visitors feel as though they are home whether they are staying in one of the few lodges or perched above the beach at the cliff side Meat Cove Camp Ground.

The Meat Cove Mountain trail follows a small creek bed upward through a hard wood forest comprised mostly of birch. This steady climb of 233m over 3/4km can be difficult but only lasts about 25 minutes if you take your time and have some well deserved breaks.

As you reach the top, the trail levels off and opens to a grass flatland littered with blueberries in early September and traces of bear (who I imagine frequent this ridge for the berries and take in the view).

The view from the top is 360º of WOW. I found it difficult to take a bad photo.

The ridge stretches 1km in length and is quite easy to navigate on the well worn path. Here you will receive a view unmatched by many. Perched 900ft above the Meat Cove River, you realize why they call this the Highlands. You can also look toward the Atlantic Ocean and get a great view of St. Paul’s Island.

Knowing that it is only a quick 25 minute hike back down allows you to sit and enjoy the view as long as you possibly can.

MapFrom the Locals
Trailhead: 47.0196,-60.5624
From the Locals
While traveling the Cabot Trail, take the Bay St Lawrence turn off fond in the town of Cape North. Follow this road until you see sign for Meat Cove and the sharp turn-off to your left. Follow this road to the end when you reach Meat Cove. The trail starts a short distance back up the road from the Cafe which overlooks the Meat Cove River and is marked by a small sign on a tree, and a few stones placed to form steps. Do not be confused by the old road at the market sign, stay on the trail just to the left of it.
Photos by: Steven Rolls (

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