Inverness County
4.5km Return
Mountain, Woodland

Meat Cove Look Off

This trail starts on what is called “The Fraser Road” and meets up with the old road to Cape St. Lawrence. The Fraser Road is a mere path worn into the forest over years of use. The Frasers were a family who lived in the back country above Meat Cove. There was great tension between the Frasers and the two families who lived in Meat Cove at the time. With the old Cape St. Lawrence road acting as the main road out of the back country, the Frasers would be taken right through Meat Cove and past the homes of their rivals. To avoid this, they would cut through the forest just before they would reach Meat Cove, creating the Fraser Road.

The trail follows the well defined Cape St. Lawrence Trail (which continues on to Cape St. Lawrence about 5km away). About 2km in you will leave the Cape St. Lawrence trail where you see a well marked sign to Meat Cove Look Off. This small flagged trail trough the woods leads you further up the mountain to a spectacular view of the Meat Cove River and valley below.

From the look off, you can the visitor centre where you began your journey and the road you traveled to get to meat cove. Across from you, you will see the end of the Meat Cove Mountain trail and the mountain ridge it follows.

MapFrom the Locals
Trailhead: 47.0199,-60.5635
From the Locals
While traveling the Cabot Trail, take the Bay St Lawrence turn off fond in the town of Cape North. Follow this road until you see sign for Meat Cove and the sharp turn-off to your left. Follow this road to the end when you reach Meat Cove. The trail starts just on the other side of the river, a short distance from the cafe, in a small rock clearing.
Photos by: Steven Rolls (

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