Little GrassyLittle GrassyLittle Grassy
Inverness County
2km Return
Coast, Mountain, Woodland

Little Grassy

Meat cove is one of those communities you visit and wonder why people want to live there. Then you spend some time there, meet some residents, and wonder  how people could not want to live there. The Little Grassy trail is a short uphill climb to a quaint little knoll overlooking both Meat Cove and the Atlantic Ocean.

Along the trail you will be taken over a small creek through a mixed forest and past what remains of the final homestead of a local legend the residents fondly named “Hillbilly Jim”. Jim was an eccentric individual who, before returning to his cabin near Little Grassy, built a small yet elaborate cottage near Bay St. Lawrence. Comprised of stone turrets, gargoyles, and intricately carved door knobs, Jim’s Bay St. Lawrence home (though now gone) would forever be know as “the Castle”.

If you are only visiting Meat Cove for a short time, this trail gives you the most bang for your efforts.

CAUTION: Portions of the uphill climb may be slick during or after a rainfall. Watch your footing.

MapFrom the Locals
Trailhead: 47.0264,-60.56
From the Locals
While traveling the Cabot Trail, take the Bay St Lawrence turn off fond in the town of Cape North. Follow this road until you see sign for Meat Cove and the sharp turn-off to your left. Follow this road to the end until you reach Meat Cove. The trail starts around the corner a short distance beyond the camp ground office and is marked with flagging tape.
Photos by: Steven Rolls (

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