Gypsum Mine Trail
Or Mine de Plâtre in french
This trail follows the old railway line from Cheticamp habour to the base of the mountain, just below the former mine’s location.
The Cheticamp Gypsum Mine operated from 1908 to 1939 under the management of Anselme Boudreau (my great grandfather). It, along with the fisheries, was the main source of income for many of Cheticsamp’s residents.
Being an old rail line, the trail is wide and flat and has recently been regraded and cleared out to welcome hikers, bikers, ATVs, skidoos, and skiers alike.
There was even a horse and buggy on the trail the day I was there. The main trail will take to to the base of the mountain were you will be directed by signs the short climb up the hill to the Lake. Once the old mine, now willed in with fresh spring waters, has been a well visited swimming hole to Cheticamp’s youth for decades.
Come for the hike, stay for a swim and leave with the amazing images of aqua blue waters against white gypsum cliffs.