Cap AuguetCap AuguetCap AuguetCap AuguetCap Auguet
Richmond County
9km Network
Coast, Culture, Lake, Woodland

Cap Auget Eco Trail

This network trail follows one of the quaint coastlines of Isle Madame; home to one of Cape Breton’s two thriving Acadian communities. More than 350 years ago, this very ocean brought settlers here with the promise of cod. Today, fishing is still strong and a major way of life in Isle Madame.

The Cap Auget Eco Ttrail stretches 2km. Skirted with beach pea and wild roses, the main trail follows the rugged, windswept coast and gives you opportunity to duck in, from time to time, to explore lakes, marshes and forests on easy to follow side networks.

As marvellous as the hike out is, the way back is even more magical. On your way back, you get a full view of Petit de Grat Island and the mouth of the harbour looking back toward Boudreauville. During summer months, you will be treated with the buzzing of boats as they head out to check their traps.

For the inquisitive mind, this trail has several interpretative stations giving the viewer a chance to learn about Isle Madame’s early settlers and the lifestyle which shaped the cultures you find here to this very day.

MapFrom the Locals
Trailhead: 45.4972,-60.9738
From the Locals
Take Route 4 to the Arichat exit, a little ways past St. Peter’s. Take a right at the corner, following the signs to Arichat. Go through the town of Arichat and keep following High Rd until the end. Go left and follow this road until you see the bridge… don’t go over the bridge though. Turn right before the bridge onto Boudreauville Rd. Follow this road to the end.


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