Dedicated to the Hiking Trails of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia.
Browse the Trails
We have many Cape Breton, Nova Scotia trails logged from all four counties and the Highlands National Park. Most of our trails include descriptions, maps, directions, and photos. At, we are dedicated to bringing you information about the many hiking trails of Cape Breton.
Check back often, we are adding new trails all the time.
The Moose’s Mouth

Hiking Ban Lifted
After a good weekend of heavy rain, the forest travel restrictions on Cape Breton …

Cape Breton’s Secret Summer Bucketlist
Cape Breton’s Secret Summer Bucketlist
I am billing this “Cape Breton’s Secret Summer Bucketlist” and it …
Cape Clear or Bust
There are very few places in Cape Breton, which intrigue me, that I have …
The Moose’s Mouth is the moosebait blog, focussing on Cape Breton, outdoor gear, and just about anything that peaks our interest. If you would like to contribute to the Moose’s Mouth, sign up below and “Join the Herd”.
Also of Interest
Hiking with Kids
Include the little ones in your day on the trails. Find the secret to living an outdoor life which includes the kids.Off the Rack
Fellow bull moose and local writer, Paul MacDougall, reviews some of the more well known titles out there.Writing Workshop Adventures
Full day writing workshops designed to eliminate the two most common barriers to a writers: Time & Inspiration.Become a Moose
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